Policy, Strategy and Leadership


The highly competitive global economic order emphasizes the need for conscious and enlightened planning and focused management of national resources. Good public governance – the key imperative for economic advancement and political stability in today’s multi-variant society – can only be achieved through the practice, at multiple organizational levels, of intelligent planning and systematic development of resources to deliver targeted optimum benefits to all stakeholders. Today’s Nigeria, therefore, needs to re-strategies by re-tooling the personnel in both government and business with the understanding and application of modern policy formulation and strategic management skills to problem-solving and pursuit of developmental goals.

This is what the Policy, Strategy and Leadership Course (PSLC) seeks to achieve. This four-week course is designed to provide deep conceptual framework for middle-to-top-level public and private sector executives whose analytical skills need to be sharpened to enable them perform effectively as functional and strategic business unit (SBU) managers. Since specific organizational goals are tied to the functions of this level of managers and they are directly responsible for utilizing organizational resources, they need to be effectively tuned to the global institutional vision and direction while at the same time possessing the technical and managerial capabilities to combine human and material resources to effect. Their input is key to policy formulation just as their buy – is important for policy implementation. The course involves intensive studies in policy formulation, strategy development, resource deployment and practicing “effective leadership”.


• Deputy Directors/Assistant Directors in Federal and State Public Services.

• Military Personnel and Officers of the rank of Lt. Colonel and Major in Nigerian Army and their equivalents in the Navy, Airforce, Police and other Quasi-military/Security agencies.

• National Assembly and Judicial Officers of appropriate ranks.

• Senior Managers & other functional/strategic business unit managers of Private Sector Organizations, Public Corporations, Professional Bodies and NGOs.


The course is structured into three modules:

The Policy Module
Designed to expose participants to a working knowledge of the concept of policy in various contexts, its elements, character, approach to formulation, articulation, documentation and implementation. Provides hands-on learning of the relevant techniques for tracking policies and evaluation of their effectiveness and inculcates skills for carrying out policy analysis with a view to modifying enriching or redirecting a particular policy.

The strategy Module
Defines and conceptualizes the term “Strategy” especially within the context of its components, i.e. ends, means and ways. Teaches the skills, knowledge and expertise required to formulate, document, implement and track organizational or national strategies. The module also explores strategic planning processes and techniques such as environmental scanning, visioning, organizational missions, goals and targets setting and strategy alignment.

Leadership and Management Module
Designed to acquaint participants with modern leadership practices, thoughts and imperatives of national development. It dwells on various modern management techniques, efficiency tools and processes with a view to expanding managers’ frame of reference for quality decision making. In addition, the module discusses the principles of good leadership, how to cultivate exceptional leadership traits and imbibe effective management styles and good corporate governance principles.

VENUE: National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Jos, Plateau State.

The duration of the course is four weeks.

Course Fee
The Course fee of N590,700.00 (Five Hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred naira only), per participant covers tuition, course parks, training materials, breakfast, tea-break, group lunch and medical deposit.

Short Courses under the Directorate of Studies

Short courses are domiciled at the Directorate of Studies.

For further details:


click here to download the 2024 SHORT COURSES flyer.

Contact Information

National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, P.M.B 2024, Bukuru, Plateau State.

Contact Numbers:

07044330104, 07044330105